Geez, I feel like I will never be able to get on here to post anything... if I have the energy, I lack the time and if I have the time, I lack the energy. I'm still on maternity leave, so perhaps when I get back to work and on a schedule I'll figure out a time to squeeze in for blogging. Yeah, we'll see.
Anyway, I wanted to share some pics of the boys! These were taken by our sweet photographer,
Abbey, a few days after the twins came home from the NICU. Ben and Leo were in the NICU for just over six weeks, so they're about seven weeks old in these photos. Sam was just shy of 21 months in most of these. He has been an excellent big brother! He's a toddler of course, so there are definitely moments of jealousy, but overall he is so dang sweet with his new brothers. He is always wanting to kiss on them and rub them with "nice hands." Or shove pacifiers in their mouths and shout "No!" when they cry. All very sweet. Hahaha...
Leo, Sam, and Ben |
Ben and Leo |
Leo and Ben |
Big Brother Sam, 18 mos |
Sam, 21 mos |
Hope the Christmas season is treating you all well! Online shopping is my best friend again as usual. The decorations are all up, but I've got a few more gifts to finish. And I haven't even begun wrapping. How are your Christmas to-do's coming? It's certainly going to be a fun one this year with Sam being older. Just driving down the street hearing him go "WOWWW!!!" at all the Christmas lights makes it for me. Love that kid!