Thursday, December 31, 2009
OK but on a funny note - I just printed out our Quicken report for all of 2009. Anyone want to take a gander on how much *I* spent on clothes in 2009? That means clothing, shoes, accessories - the whole 9 yards. Well, drumroll, please...
I spent $183.59. Of that, $79.70 was for my bridesmaid dress for Lucky's wedding this weekend. And $58.32 was for the shoes to go with that dress (which I really did need, by the way - I had no black dress heels, believe it or not). So that leaves a measly $45.57 that I truly spent on myself just because. Of that, $38.16 was at the Old Navy $2 tank sale, and the remaining $7.41 was for a necklace from J. Crew (after my gift card amount was applied).
I think it's safe to say, this shoptastic spender has been REFORMED!!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Santa never fails.
The hub also got an air popcorn popper - something he's been wanting forever. I think he eats more popcorn than anyone else on the planet. Seriously. I guess there could be worse vices. At least I don't have to buy Costco size boxes of microwave popcorn anymore - that'll save us some bucks!
We spent Christmas here in Atlanta with my family and then drove up to Knoxville afterwards for a couple of days with the hub's family. We got more goodies up there, including my requested Lady Gaga CD from SIL. She is my not-so-guilty pleasure. Funny thing is, I saw her open for NKOTB like 18 months ago and I remember turning to Lucky saying "Who the hell is that?!" Fast forward to December 2009 with me blasting her CD and singing along while driving to work. It's a great CD too, girls ("The Fame" - her first one, pictured below). It's one of those rare CD's that you can pop in and let it go. Not just a few hits and a bunch of filler shit. It's all good stuff - I'm loving it!
Here's a litte *Christmas Collage* of some of our loot - we must have been good this year!

After a whirlwind Christmas, I'm taking most of this week off from work. I did go in for a few hours yesterday to make sure there weren't any fires to put out, but I'm off now. And I have all these things around the house I need to be doing, yet I have no motivation whatsoever to do any of them. But I'm terrible at doing *nothing* so I find myself playing on the computer when I need to be doing laundry and cleaning stuff. Hmmm...
Plus this weekend - I can't believe it - is Lucky's wedding! So I'm also getting geared up for that. I'm putting self-tanner on my legs so they don't blind everyone at the ceremony. Dear me. I don't do hose, so that's not an option. But no worries - I won't be orange. I use this brand a lot (Loreal) and I just do a couple of "doses" a few days out so I'm not quite so pasty. I'm not actually trying to look tan. Just less ghost-like.
Oh and get this - I'll be doing my own hair. Everytime I get my hair put up by a pro I think, yeah that's nice but was it worth $90 or whatever? Yeah, no. I'm pretty decent with updo's - certainly decent enough to save me $90. As long as my hair cooperates, it'll be good. I'll try to remember to snap a pic for you to assess my skills. I've done other bride's updo's before - just not my own.
Now I'm trying to figure out what to wear to Lucky's rehearsal and dinner...
Oh and let's not forget New Year's Eve... want to take a guess at what we're doing? Our crew might be the only ones there over 18 and I'm hoping I don't hurt myself. Any guesses?!
(P.S. This spacing thing drives my perfectionist self INSANE! Does anyone know how to fix the double spacing or whatever the hell it's doing?! Insane, I tell you.)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Now onto wrapping...
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Friday, December 11, 2009
Call me Scrooge.
And yeah, I know everyone says that. But I really know this to be true because I'm a budgeting fool. I'd like to say we could skip eating out a time or two and instead give that cash to a needy family. Well, we don't eat out. I'd like to say I could not go shopping this month and instead put that cash toward gifts for children at a shelter, but um... haven't bought myself a THING in over a year. OK yes, dear readers... I did partake in the Old Navy $2 tank sale a couple of months ago. Yes, yes I did. But $40 over a 15 month period is pretty damn good. Tank tops are my #1 wardrobe essential next to jeans. (Do I need to keep justifying this?!)
Our Christmas spending this year was very well thought out and carefully crafted to obtain maximum dollar value for as little cash out of pocket as possible. And I kicked some major ass this year. We got over $1,100 worth of gifts (retail value), but only spent $370. That's a personal record for sure. And oh, how I laugh thinking of *old* me, who would've probably spent that much on myself while shopping for others! hahahaha... wow, have I changed.
The hub and I do not get gifts for each other. If you're broke, it's pretty ridiculous to, if you ask me. A homemade card and making googly eyes at each other across the table have sufficed for all birthdays and holidays over the last year or so. Last year we did actually adopt a kid at a local shelter and spent what we would've spent on each other, on her. That was SO fun. And so much better than any gift we could've gotten each other. Now don't get me wrong - I love birthdays, I love Christmas, I love Valentine's Day and everything inbetween. I love any reason to celebrate anything. And I LOVE giving and getting gifts. But we're just not in a position to do all that right now - so we're forced to get a little creative for the time being. That's truly been fun.
And the budget's extra tight right now because the hub is on the job hunt. We think he's getting really close, but it still makes for an uber tight budget for us till he's got something nailed down. Which is fine - we're managing what we can and trusting God with the rest. But it is what it is - which brings me back to my beef on people asking me for money left and right... I ain't got none.
It's hard for me to say *no* sometimes to these kinds of things, but this year we've just had to. Though I'd love to say *yes* to ALL those who ask, we can only say yes to a few. But for real, it just seems like we've gotten a flood of requests this year... whether it be from church, small groups, work, friends, neighbors, the Publix check-out lady... it's everywhere! I so wish I could do it all. But I can't.
Some you can ignore (like the random blurbs in your neighborhood newsletter), but others you can't. Like this week I got an email where someone actually assigned part of a gift for me to go out and buy for this family. And they of course said "if you can't do it, no problem, let me know." But I feel like a total Scrooge for saying "I can't." And geez, does that mean someone else in the group has to pick up my slack? Am I "that girl?" Goodness. But seriously, I'm all out. We've given what we can give this month and we're out. You've got my prayers but the ole wallet is empty. God tells us to take care of our own household first, so a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. (I gotta eat.)
But for real, have y'all felt like the amount of "requests" for donations and gifts, etc has like quadrupled since last Christmas? I don't expect that to change. But I know our situation will... and I can't WAIT to be able to give like crazy when it does. Seriously, there's nothing more fun. It's one of the things I look forward to most about being debt-free!
Two weeks till Christmas!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wow, it's December!
And speaking of Georgia... can you believe PETA is after UGA for its treatment of Uga? OMG. I'm a huge, huge, HUGE animal lover but PETA drives me insane. I do think some of their positions are sound, but give me a break. A robotic dog to replace Uga? First of all, NO. Second of all, Uga is arguably the most popular collegiate mascot of all time. He's been on the cover of Sports Illustrated. He's been in movies. And for the love of dogs, Uga is treated better than most humans! I've personally been INSIDE his custom dog house that he sits in during the games. It's like a doggie spa. Seriously? If this is your top "concern" right now, PETA, then I'd say things are going pretty well in the animal world. A robot dog. Seriously. You obviously DON'T get football either.
Anyway... geez. So this weekend I've got a couple of parties lined up. We've got a couples' shower we're attending for Lucky and then I'm co-hosting our annual girls' Dirty Santa party on Sunday afternoon. It's a yearly must! And that's *dirty* as in the claws come out during our gift exchange (the gifts themselves aren't dirty). I'm sure most of y'all have played this in some form or fashion, but here's how we do it...
Guests are instructed to bring a wrapped $25 gift (one worth fighting over!). These are not gag gifts and we prohibit giftcards and bath gels. Yeah, we're pretty serious about it. Also we have everyone bring a dish to share (this makes it a very inexpensive party to throw!).
For the game, we draw numbers and the rules are as follows:
- The girl who draws #1 chooses a gift to open.
- Girl #2 can either open a new gift or take #1's gift. If #2 takes #1's gift, then #1 chooses a new gift to open.
- Girl #3 can take #1 or #2's gift, or open a new gift. If, say, #3 takes #1's gift, then #1 can either take #2's gift or open a new gift. Once a gift has been stolen in a "round," it can't be stolen again till the next round (i.e. #4's turn starts the next round).
So ideally, you want the highest number because you get to go last and have the pick of ALL the gifts. I know some people play where #1 gets to go again at the end, but we don't do that. If you draw #1, tough shit. Better luck next year! And a lot of people also put a limit on the number of times any one gift can be stolen. We don't do that either (except within a round). It can get pretty heated - it's so fun - especially being all girls. There's usually one or two gifts that get stolen round after round and it's a fight to see who will ultimately end up with them! Good times...
Alright, off to get some more work done. Just wanted to say *hi* while I munched on my Lean Cuisine here. Back later!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Story: Part 2
So guess who totally boo-hoo'd while telling her story at group a couple of weeks ago? Yep, that'd be me. And in case I've never relayed it on here, I *HATE* crying in public. I'm not a big cryer in general, but especially not in front of people. I even manage to hold it in during the sappiest movies. But put me at home alone in front of a tear jerker and I'll go through four boxes of kleenex. It must be a complex - who knows... but I don't like crying in front of people. So yeah, when I got to the end of my story, like where we are today, I totally had to just let it go. I thought this might happen in my girls' group, but not in my couples' group in front of boys - geez!!! Oh well... there's always a crier in the group and I guess it was me this time.
So anyway, let's continue on, dear readers. I know, finally, right?! Sorry I took two forevers to finish it up, but well, you know... life. And again, this is a LONG ass post, so I hope you're well caffeinated and in a comfy chair. If you missed the first part of my story, hop over here to catch up. Thanks for reading along and I of course welcome any questions y'all have for me. Leave a comment or drop me an email if you rather. Grab some popcorn and let's go...
And so it begins. Graduating college was truly like closing of one chapter and starting of a new one. I interned at a public accounting firm in
I went to grad school at
Married Life. That first year of marriage was definitely challenging. Unlike the rest of the world (or at least it seems), we didn't live together before we were married. So learning to live with a stinky boy was no easy feat. Especially for this girl, who had NEVER shared a bathroom with anyone EVER until this point. (Remember that only child thing? And oh yeah, I missed the whole dorm experience and lived in the same off-campus apartment for four years with my own bathroom.) But those first few years were also a ton of fun. We were both doing well at work, had great friends, just loving life... doing our thing.
It was shortly after we got married that I got a call from one of my old high school girlfriends. She was now the head cheerleading coach back at our high school and she was calling to see if I'd be interested in tagging along as a second coach for one of her squads at a summer cheer camp down in
On the last night of camp, all of us - instructors, cheerleaders, and all - were out on the beach for a night of worship. I remember there being a lot of singing and scripture reading, devotional time and whatnot. But then at the end we all just broke up into groups and prayed together. The whole night (well, the whole week actually) is pretty fuzzy now, but I'll never forget my girlfriend leaning down beside me, putting her arm around me, and praying aloud for me. It was all I could do to hold back the tears (remember that hatred of public boo-hooing?). I don't even remember exactly what she said as she prayed, but I totally remember the warmth I felt. It was God just tapping on my heart, or perhaps nudging me with his elbow, to come back and seek him.
I don't even know if that makes much sense to anyone but me, but from that moment I just knew I needed to start pursuing a relationship with God. I had never doubted him or questioned his truth, but like I mentioned before, he was more or less kept on a shelf and I just pulled him out when I needed him. It was also around this time that I joined a women's small group - not one affiliated with our church, but just a group of girls (a lot of them were the hub's co-workers at the time and he hooked me up with them). Most of these girls went to Northpoint Community Church and they'd always talk about how "Andy" said this and that. (And I'm like, who the hell is Andy?) Well the hub and I of course didn't have a church home but it was definitely something we had really started to desire as a couple. So we decided to go to the Buckhead campus one Sunday with some of the girls and well, we've been there ever since. It was pretty much love at first sermon. And I'm pretty sure Andy Stanley has spoiled all other pastors and churches for me and we can never go anywhere else.
We started attending regularly pretty much right off and it wasn't long before we decided to get connected in a small group. The church is so big that they don't do your traditional "Sunday School" classes. They have incredible programs for kids, but they strongly encourage adults to get into small groups. It's a group of 10-12 individuals (like my women's group) or 5-6 married couples (like our couples' group) that meet weekly or so in someone's home. We've been involved with couples' groups on and off for the last 5 years or so. And they've been such a huge blessing in our lives. One of the biggest things we encourage our engaged couples to do (as mentors - the ministry we're currently involved in) is to get in a couples' group once they get married. It's been one of the best things we've ever done for our marriage and our faith.
The Money Pit. We ended up moving up here to Buford after living in Dunwoody for the first 3 years of our marriage. We had two doggies at this point and wanted a yard for them. And we were really thinking about starting a family soon and our 2 bedroom/2.5 bath townhome didn't have much room for any growth. So we ended up making the anything-but-wise decision to buy a new house before selling our first. We were building the new house from the bottom up and thought we'd surely sell the townhouse in the meantime, but no. We crunched the numbers and *knew* we could handle the two mortgages while we had to. And we did for a while. We had two renters over this period - one good pair, one not-so-good pair. (Being a landlord sucks, by the way.) But things eventually came to a head in 2008. The hub's job situation changed, so our income was going down, down, down. And expenses all around were going up, up, up. Our bad decisions in the past came back to haunt us (or kick our ass, however you want to phrase it). But with lots of effort, prayer, and the help of my parents, we were able to get that beast of a townhouse sold. Y'all remember that, don't you?! That was a good day.
The same week that we sold the townhouse, Dave Ramsey was in town giving his Total Money Makeover Live show. We knew all about Dave - he had spoken at our church a couple of times. We had the book. We even attempted to do his program for a while, but we had totally half-assed it and well, as we found out - you can't half-ass it and get anywhere. We decided we needed to be at his show. His books are great and his show is great, but seeing him live in person was crucial to getting that fire lit for us. His enthusiasm is so contagious and I was nearly in tears at different times during the show. The hub and I were so fired up that we literally put our butts in one of his FPU classes the very next day. That weekend changed our lives.
We had always made good money but we had no real direction with it. The hub and I are both spenders and that's a recipe for disaster right there. Even though I'm a CPA and definitely the "nerd" of the two of us, I like my designer shoes and handbags, girls. So while we weren't necessarily hurting in the past, we just had no real plan. Money came in, money went out. No budget. I mean those are only for people with not a lot of money, right? Who wants to be restricted? Please. We saved some here and there, but it was just "savings" - it wasn't for any purpose. Which means it didn't stay there very long. And sure we'd give here and there, but we certainly weren't intentional with our giving. We were generous when we could be, but there was no real plan.
We've now been on Dave's plan for over a year. We've done a monthly budget since day one. And I freaking LOVE the budget. (I talk all about the budget here if you're curious.) Not only do we now give every dollar coming in a name, but we completely flip-flopped the ordering of our money. Old method: Spend, spend, spend, and if we have any left then we'll save and maybe give. New method: Give, save, live on the rest. We went cold turkey on this new operating system - there was no easing out of our old ways. We went full force with this budget. We started tithing for the first time ever - which taught us to truly trust God with our money and not lean on ourselves. Wow, was that freeing. I can't even communicate the tremendous sense of peace that gives us. Even in the months where we're super tight and we've got to really get creative to make it through, we never even discuss not tithing. It's not ours and it's not an option - that's just how we look at it now. It's a scary leap of faith to take - it really is. I mean, 10% doesn't sound like a lot until you write it down and then you're like damn... But it was such a huge lesson for us - it's all about trust. And embracing that trust is what has truly brought us peace.
Today, 7 years into our marriage, we admittedly have the lowest combined income we've had since the day we married. But I've never been more at peace with our finances. Because we have a plan. And we have a God that has proved ever-so faithful throughout all these tough times. It's definitely one of those oh-if-I-only-knew-then-what-I-know-now things, but girls, I wouldn't change a thing. Yeah we made some really poor decisions in the past and did some stupid things. But sometimes learning the hard way makes you that more able to bust through the shit and do some amazing things with your life. And I'm so excited about our future and where this all will take us. This 180 we've done on our finances over the last 14 months has sky-rocketed our faith and has made our marriage ever so stronger.
Baby Blues. Most of y'all of course know the other big "thing" we've been dealing with... we've been trying to get pregnant for the last 4 years. It's not something I ever saw coming. I've always been healthy. I've always had regular periods with no problems at all. So after months and months of trying to get pregnant to no avail, I was really getting frustrated. After about a year of trying on our own, we did some initial testing with my OB/GYN. Just some basic bloodwork at first, and the hub had his boys tested. Other than some low progesterone levels on my part, all looked fine until I had an HSG. Don't even ask me to spell that out, but it's basically where they take a catheter and put dye up in your girly parts so they can see if your tubes are open, etc. I was in radiology to have this done, so it's just me and the radiologist and another technician - not my normal doctor. And besides spitting out some big words, they really wouldn't explain any of what they were seeing to me. So I'm looking at the screen and the radiologist mentioned something about my uterus having horns. (WTF?)
Before you know it, my mom and I are googling stuff and don't know what to think. The hub and I met back with my
I didn't really think twice about it - I wanted to have babies and if this is what I had to do, then OK. Both my mom and the hub were there. While in surgery, my doctor discovered stage III endometriosis and removed it all. He thought I might have it, but it's really hard to tell without being in there. So that was good to find out - I hadn't had any symptoms, but this was most likely why I hadn't been conceiving. Unfortunately, I had a very weak area on the wall of my uterus and he was afraid to attempt removing the septum for fear of rupturing my uterus altogether. So he removed the endo and got out. I had a rough time recovering from that first one and that afternoon and night in the hospital was AWFUL. It was out-patient surgery, so I was able to eventually leave, but OMG. Not fun. I'll spare you the details.
Because my RE wasn't able to remove the septum, I required a 2nd surgery. He put me on some turn-me-into-a-raging-bitch medication for a couple of months to soften my uterine wall and repair that weak area I mentioned, and then we had the surgery. He was able to remove the septum this time and also cleared out some additional endo he found (not much, but it just keeps coming back - annoying). Recovery was much, much better on the 2nd one. He wasn't in there nearly as long and it just was a much better experience altogether. So our plan from that point was to try on our own for three months, then do three IUI cycles, then move to IVF. Nothing happened of course on our own. We were gearing up for our first IUI cycle at the beginning of 2008 - and that's where our this whole mess started to collide with the financial disaster of 2008.
We had the first ultrasound to get that IUI going, but I don't know... it just all kind of hit me. Tax season was about to start. Even the IUI's were more pricey than we had initially thought and we were already strapped financially. Maybe this was bad timing. So I didn't go back after that initial ultrasound. The nurse called me to schedule my mid-cycle check and I told her we decided to skip that cycle. "OK," she said, "just call us when you're ready." We didn't go back until February of this year. We just needed a break. We certainly weren't prepared to go very far financially and I just needed a time-out emotionally. Taking tax season off turned into taking that summer off... and before we knew it, we hadn't done anything in a year. We of course weren't preventing anything on our own! But we just needed a break from the doctors.
We finally went back for a consult with my RE in February of this year and laid out the plan once again. In May, we did our first IUI and actually got pregnant. I was completely stunned. I didn't think IUI would work for us at all, much less on the first try. It wasn't for lack of faith, I just seriously didn't think it'd work. I thought we'd end up doing IVF in the long run. So we were shocked and thrilled, of course. But as y'all know, we lost the baby a few days later. It was rough, but I don't think I had the same feelings as others have with miscarriages. I don't know... I barely had time to get used to the idea of being pregnant, I mean it was so surreal. So when we found out my hormone levels had dropped, it was almost like, "yeah, I guess that was too good to be true." I don't really know how to explain it... it was a punch in the gut, no doubt. After the hub told me the news on the phone (he had called the nurse to get my results), I had to leave work and run over to my parents house to see my mom. Everything just came rushing in all at once - the realization of being pregnant only to have it stripped away from us so quickly. I just broke down in my mom's arms. I didn't really feel like I lost a baby. I don't even think about that baby as a baby... it was more like we lost our "chance." That's what it felt like.
We've learned to celebrate every step though and actually conceiving was a huge, huge step for us. And it all once again confirmed that we're not in control here. We did two more IUI's this past summer after that initial one, but neither worked. After the 3rd one I really felt at a loss. I knew, according to our previous plan, that the next step would be IVF. (And this would be one of those times I was cursing those who get knocked up while on birth control and have babies for $20 co-pays.) We met with my RE again to discuss the next steps. Because we did switch up my meds after the 2nd IUI, he wanted to try one last IUI before moving to IVF. OK and just so you can wrap your head around it a little, an IUI cycle is about $1500 and an IVF cycle is like $1500 x 10. And my insurance covers none of that - those are complete out-of-pocket costs to us. And that's kind of where we are now. We have our next steps laid out for us but it's a question of when we can do them.
It sucks to be financially bound with this and not be able to move forward as quickly as we want to, but I'm just very faithful in the fact that we'll get there when we're meant to get there. Really, it's the not-knowing that sucks. It really sucks. I want to be a mom so badly. But I'm in love with my husband and love the time we share together just us. We've been blessed with more time to grow with each other and with God over these last few years. Years that would've been filled with dirty diapers and terrible two's had things gone the way *I* wanted them to go. And all that's good, but God surely has his hand in all of this. I just wish I knew his plan! If I could just know that I'll have a baby in say, 2 years, I'd be OK with that. Or maybe none of this will end up working and we're going to end up adopting. I'd be OK with that. But I just don't know. So all we can do is keep praying and pluggin' along.
Through this whole amazing process, I've learned all about trust, faith, and true peace. None of those are ever perfected - it's all a daily struggle. I have to make the decision every single day to look to God and not to what I'm after. I have to decide to place my faith in him and not in my own abilities. And with those decisions, I am able to experience real peace which keeps me from giving into my own fear and sorrow. Because even on my best days, infertility just sucks.
Infertility makes you feel like less of a woman. I mean gosh, the one thing I should be able to do as a woman, I can't freaking do. And it doesn't just affect me... I've got a husband who wants to be a dad. I've got parents who are dying to be grandparents. Sometimes I can't help but feel guilty for making everyone around me wait. I've seen infertility kill marriages and friendships. And I totally get why. I think some women dealing with it just completely lose themselves in the anger and depression. I don't ever want to be that person, but I certainly understand how someone could get there. I think I generally have a great attitude about the whole thing. There are lots of bloggers out there who blog about infertility. Their whole blogs are dedicated to infertility. There are a few good ones, but most of them I find depressing. They seem to encompass this very "woe is me" outlook and I don't want any part of that. Infertility in no way defines me... it's just something I'm dealing with. So while I like to update y'all on our progress and sometimes vent here and there on my issues with it, it's not all I'm about. It's not what I want to be known for.
I think writing about it helps me personally, but maybe it also enlightens some of my readers as to what some of their own girlfriends or sisters might be dealing with. Infertility just isn't talked about that much. And when friends find out you're going through it, they often just want to "fix" you. I can write a book with all the suggestions I've received on things I "should try." The bottom line is that you just feel very left behind. Especially at 32, the majority of my friends are on their 2nd and 3rd kids. And they live in a completely different world than I do. And that's OK... they've certainly done nothing wrong. But it's just in your face *all* the time. Pregnant people are EVERYwhere. (I seriously can name 6 people due this week.) Babies are EVERYwhere. People just keep making babies like it's nothin'. But such is life, I guess. When you can't get what you want, it seems like everyone else in the world has it.
But as crappy as all of that is, I sure wouldn't change the journey for anything. God is doing some serious work in me and he's using this all for a reason. The money thing, the baby thing - it's all part of an amazing story - his story. I have no idea where it ends or where we'll end up, but I have grown SO much over these last few years. Whereas God used to be a bullet point on my list of things about me, he now consumes me. I was so bitter in the first year of struggling to get pregnant. I had to surrender it all over to God and learn to look to him. And he's placed some truly awesome people in my life to help me deal with all this.. most notably, my friend Jill who is at Northside Hospital (as I type!) awaiting the delivery of her little IVF miracle. She and her husband were our first small group leaders years ago when we first joined Buckhead Church. Far before either of us dreamed of having fertility issues. My friends and family have all been tremendously supportive, but having that friend who has been there is so important. I'm so thankful for her. And through that same small group, I also became great friends with Pam, who knows first hand how difficult the "wait" is. She and her husband are adopting a baby from China - which is an excruciatingly long process and only seems to get longer. These two ladies have been such crucial forces in my journey and I love them dearly.
And who knows where all this will lead... I'm just along for the ride. Today I'm just continuing to put my faith in God and follow his lead. I'm just trying to stay in a position where I can hear him and not get swept away by my own fears. I'm grateful for where I came from and where I am today. I'm so thankful for all the twists and turns along the way in my story. It's not one I would've written myself, but I'm not the one holding the pen, after all...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Razzle Dazzle
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wrapped Up.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
My Story: Part 1
Though we're a couple of months into our new groups, we're still in the process of going through all our stories. What do I mean by our "story?" I'm talking about our God story. Where we came from and how we got to where we are today. You may hear people call it a "testimony," which yeah, it's that too, I suppose. But I know that's a very churchy word and I try to refrain from over churchifying my vocab. Churchiness can make the unchurched feel like outsiders, so in this audience, I speak English. Anyway, some of the stories I've heard recently have been SO amazing and such a reminder that the home I grew up in is not the norm. In fact, it's seemingly rare - at least from what I've seen and heard lately. The hub and I had to each share our stories last week with the engaged couple we're mentoring, so that was good practice. It's been a while! And boy have our stories grown since the last time we told them. That's the cool thing - they are ever-changing and evolving. Tonight, it's our turn to share each of our stories with our couples' small group. And after Thanksgiving, I'll be sharing my story once again with my women's group. It's funny how much more "involved" the story tends to be when shared with a group of women versus a mixed group. This is my first time in a women's group affiliated with the church and it's been so awesome. I've learned a lot from these girls and I think they can learn from me as well.
I had great intentions of writing down some notes - just to make sure I emphasized certain people and events in my life that have shaped who I am today, but yeah that never happened. I just always end up winging it. I'm a much better writer than speaker, however. So it occurred to me to go ahead and just spill it all out here. That's good practice, right? And while so many of you have followed along with me on my journey over the last couple of years, you don't know the whole story. And I tell this story not to say, "hey look at me, aren't I awesome?!" (Though, admittedly, I am.) I tell it because, the more stories *I* hear, the more I personally grow. So it makes great practice for me, and possibly helpful to others out there in bloggy world reading along. This is a lengthy and wordy post (and I tend to elaborate WAY more when I write), so for your sake and mine, I'm going to break it up into two parts. Do come back later for the rest, won't you?! And feel free to take a couple of coffee breaks...
The Early Years. I grew up in the Atlanta 'burbs, in Gwinnett county, with my mom and dad. I was actually born in Montgomery, Alabama (my mom's whole family is from around that area), but my dad's work brought my family to Atlanta when I was still in diapers. So really, Atlanta is all I've ever known. I'm an only child and though my dad has siblings, my mom was also an only child. So our extended family is not all that big. And we were (and still are) the only ones in Georgia - the grandparents were in Tennessee and Alabama. The home I grew up in was very loving. I can't say enough good things about my parents. The older I get, the more I realize how very blessed I am to be able to say these things. I seriously couldn't pick out a better mom and dad and as I've relayed to them, I hope my future kids look upon me and the hub as I do them. They just celebrated 41 years of marriage and while no marriage is perfect, they have certainly been such role models for me. Even today, their love for each other is so evident. And their love and support for me is boundless. I say all that not to brag, but to recognize how much that has shaped me as a person. They've always made me feel that I had tremendous self-worth - which I think is SO crucial, especially for little girls. While we all grow up with questions and self doubt and whatnot, I've always had very high self esteem and continue to, despite the obstacles I face. And I truly think my parents are responsible for that. And I feel like it's only in the last couple of years that I've really realized how intentional they had to be with that. It doesn't just "happen."
So life was good. We lived in Tucker and I can remember going to a Baptist church with my parents a few times - very vague memories. All I really recall is one of my Sunday school teachers having a freakishly huge thumb. Like record-worthy huge. I don't even know if we were ever really members there, because we quit going at some point. It wasn't till I was in the 2nd grade that I remember attending church again. One of my best friends asked me to go to church with her - it was a tiny little Baptist church off Jimmy Carter Boulevard. It is now, sadly, a ghetto version of its former self and the church she and I attended either found a new campus or fell apart - I really don't know. But I started going with her pretty regularly. My parents were always happy to take me and they'd certainly tag along if I had a choir performance or something like that, but we generally didn't go "as a family" to church. My parents grew up going to church and I suppose they just fell out of the habit or never really found a good fit. I continued to go on my own though and got pretty involved with the youth group there as I got older. I wasn't one of these that was there every Sunday morning, Sudnay evening, and Wednesday night, but I was fairly connected with the other kids there. Outside of school and church, I think probably most of my time (and my dear parents' time) was spent in dance class. I started dancing at 3 or 4 and took every class imaginable from then on out. At some point I joined the groups at my studio that went around doing dance competitions. So I was always very, very involved in that. Never did the sports thing. Just dance.
After elementary school, my parents decided to put me in a private Christian school. I still remember how terrifying that first day of school was... not only was I entering junior high, but it was a brand new group of kids. All of my friends from 5th grade were heading to the public middle school and I was going off to this other school and would probably never see any of them again. I knew ONE girl at my new school from dance, so I stuck by her at first while I got my bearings. Junior high was trying - those kids can be damn mean! But I got involved with cheerleading in 7th grade, never having done it before. And soon after, I told my parents I wanted to quit dancing. One of my dance teachers had once told my mom to never let me quit. I'm really not a big believer in regrets - I mean, what's done is done and it's part of your story, so move on... But if I could pick one? That'd be it. I should've never quit dancing.
High School. I continued to cheer throughout junior high and high school and was really big into it. We had a coach, but we very much ran the squads ourselves. And for a small school, we were pretty kick-ass. I did a lot of the choreographing (still one of those things I love to do - I'm always choreographing routines in my head when I hear songs). I met my three very best high school girlfriends through cheerleading and I still keep in touch with them today. They were all in my wedding and though we don't see each other all the time, we immediately revert back to our high school selves when we get together. I love those girls and I cherish those friendships. And all four of us were definitely the "good girls." I never got into any trouble in high school. Never was around drugs are alcohol - it was just never an issue for me. My friends were not into that stuff, so neither was I. I was completely oblivious to any of that stuff going on. I was a cheerleader, and it was a small school (my graduating class had 85 kids), but I don't know that I would've labeled myself "popular." I was friends with some popular people, but I definitely wasn't the one voted Homecoming Queen or even on the court, for that matter. But whatever I was, I LOVED high school. I hear so many people say they hated it, but I truly loved those years. Do I want to go back? Hell no! But I loved it.
Now being at a Christian school was very much like being in a Christian bubble. We had Bible class on top of our other classes everyday. We had chapel everyday and we prayed in class and God stuff was everywhere. I still went to the little Baptist church here and there but I think I fell out of going there around 10th or 11th grade. I did get baptized there - I think I was 14, and my family was of course there for that and it meant a lot to them. But still, we never really attended anywhere regularly as a family. But I didn't really feel like I was missing anything by not going to church because I was literally surrounded by church and churchy people ALL the time. I mean if there was a measurable degree of churchiness, I felt I was off the charts. I've always accepted Christ and the Bible as truth. It just is and I've never questioned it. I appreciate my churchy surroundings at school because I learned so much about the Bible, but I don't think I truly "got it" till later in life. I've always had strong, strong conviction in my heart to "do the right thing" and be a good person and whatnot, but I don't think I had a real relationship with God during this time.
College. After high school I ended up at the University of Georgia. I didn't get in initially - they had just lifted the income cap on the HOPE scholarship (it used to be limited to families with incomes under 100k/yr) and therefore a flood of applications were pouring in to Georgia schools. Translation - it became 10 times harder to get in. I was a good student, had some AP courses, and generally had good grades and a respectable SAT score. An easy in had it been a couple of years earlier, but we had to fight my way in and I ultimately got in by doing night classes my first year (a program UGA no longer offers). The funny thing was, I very nearly went to SCAD down in Savannah instead to study fashion design. I think my mom was very weirded out by the artsy freaks when we went for a campus visit. They would've fully supported me going there, but I ended up at UGA with a much more practical degree. Actually if my mom could've picked, I would've gone to Auburn, but that's a whole other story!
I met the hub my freshman year in geology class. We ended up sitting next to each other (though he'll tell you this was rather intentional on his part) . I thought he was an obnoxious frat boy and he thought I was a snobby sorority girl. Neither of us were Greek. (Another thing my mom wanted, I know, but it just wasn't for me. I did rush - all the way through - but I bailed in the end.) We ended up dating before that quarter wrapped up and have been together ever since. He was 23 and I was 19. I thought he was *so* OLD!
College was one of those things that just flew by. I did graduate early, so part of that was my doing, I guess. It was a ton of fun - I met my best friend there. I grew up a lot. My eyes were opened to an entire new world. Coming from a small Christian school to an environment like that was a big culture shock. I was very sheltered before and it was all so new. I mean, everyone in my school was white and preppy but for a few Asians and Indians sprinkled in. So yeah, I did the college thing and went out and partied with friends, but not nearly as hard as some kids do. I had my first drink at 19 (and that's another fab story in itself). I refused to ever use a fake ID. I can't lie, to a fault. No seriously - I never would've pulled it off and I would've felt guilty the entire time anyway. (I'm still a total rules follower - can't help it.) I still have never seen an illegal drug - seriously.
I never got into trouble or anything like that, but I think it's so easy to drift away from God in those years. And I definitely did. He still weighed heavy on my heart but I more or less kept him in a box on a shelf. I never got involved in any campus ministries or churches in town. I occasionally attended the Baptist church back at home when I was there (my parents had moved to Duluth at this point), but I never got really connected. A lot of the kids at that church had grown up there and I felt like a bit of an outsider and didn't let myself get too close. Maybe I just was not a church person? I wasn't sure... But I did make it out of college by the skin of my teeth. I had an internship with a local accounting firm lined up and I was TERRIFIED that I was going to fail one of my financial accounting classes. I had failed the first test of the semester and was digging my way out of monumental hole the entire course. But the stars aligned and I passed. And graduated. HUGE sigh. (I think my mom's sigh was louder.) And so this is where life really begins, huh?!
I made it out and was just doing my own thing. Enjoying life. Minding my own business. It wasn't until a few years later, in the most unexpected of places, that God came knocking on my heart...
Continue to Part 2 here.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Nightmare to end all nightmares!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Seven Years!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The party shoes.

And this is the bridesmaid dress, in case you forgot...

It's such a fun party dress - very young and playful. As are the shoes! The shoes are way cuter on than in the pic. It's so fun having a new shoe box in the house... I mean, it's been over a year since I bought new shoes!
OK so you're dying to know how KISS was, right? Haha - it was fun. We had a good time. I was a little disappointed that more fans weren't in full on costume, but there was a good bit of face paint. But the main ensemble of choice for concert goers last night? A black band T-shirt with jeans. Seriously - like that's what 95% of the people there had on.
We actually had really great seats. Lucky's hubby-to-be got them free through work and we found out they were $137 tickets - geez. Even though I only know a few of their songs and don't really call myself a "fan," I must say it was pretty surreal seeing them on stage, so close. I mean, like 'em or not, you can't deny the fact that they're iconic rock 'n roll figures. But after about three songs, we were all over it. Been there, done that. I can now mark "see KISS in concert" off my bucket list. Had no idea it was on there, but it's checked off now. Oh and the hub, as per usual, got one of his earplugs stuck in his ear and had to go to one of the medics at Philips. This seriously happens EVERY time we go to a concert. All I can do is laugh at my goofy husband - gotta love 'im.
Alright, nighty night girls! It's past my bedtime. Oh speaking of - I think our "let's get the dogs used to the sound machine" the last couple of nights has turned into "we can't sleep without the sound machine!" Too funny... no wonder babies dig it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Rock 'n Roll all night and party everyday. That's me!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Need some white noise. Pronto.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Whatever. Puh-leez. Gawh.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Spanx much?

But bloggy world, one word to you guys... they specifically request that you do NOT post any information or reviews (good or bad) on the products you receive for wear testing. Your feedback should only be shared with Spanx via the online surveys they send you directly, as many of these products are not on the market yet. And that's exactly why I don't talk about it on here except to say that (a) I'm doing it, and (b) you should, too!
They want women of all sizes, all ages, and even you mommas-to-be. They do have a line of maternity Spanx and are always happy to find prego wear testers. So get to it!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Almost there.

Alright, no real news here today. Gotta be off to work. Oh but one big thing - we sold the Lexus last night! Got $3500 for it - woo HOO! We were just hoping to get $3k or more, so we were thrilled. A huge, huge blessing that arrived at the perfect time. Hope you all are having fabulous weeks. Stay dry, Atlanta girls. Back later...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thirty-two. But who's counting?!

I also got a giftcard for J. Crew from my MIL - sooooo excited! I screamed a little when I opened it. OK, maybe a lot. The hub and I also had a birthday-day-of-fun-on-a-budget on Sunday. We went to church, had brunch at The Flying Biscuit, went to Fernbank (on BOA's dime), and then later went to see The Invention of Lying that night. Really cute movie - I loved it. Tonight, the hub has something up his sleeve, but I'm not sure what it is. Though I'll probably know by 11am. He can't keep a secret to save his life. It's terribly cute, though.
So far, 32 looks pretty good. I think I'll like it. Hope you all are having a great week! And hopefully I'll find some more time to hop on here and jibber jabber. I know my commenting has been nearly non-existant lately, but I'm keeping up with you lovelies on my reader!
OH also - Javis Davis is having a big sale this month, so hop over here and check out the details. If you have some momma friends looking for crib bedding, now's a great time to go custom!